Centralized platform for the NSW Department of Education to simplify the process for schools to select and purchase cloud-based student administration products, minimizing administrative burdens, increasing technology utilization, and improving product effectiveness.
App re-design for the City of Sydney aiming to increase residents’ participation in the existing recycling programs. The goal was to contribute to the matter by looking for improvements in waste reduction, following the Zero Waste strategy for waste management in the local area by 2030.
Web-based app design for a talent marketplace focusing on the creative communications industry. The clients approached my team solely to create wireframes. However, our work ended up providing them with more than just that. Through the process, they gained a deeper understanding of their business and its potential, leading to a revealing and enlightening experience.
Design of a concept water waste app for kids that gamifies user experience to show how their actions affect the environment. Created for the New Futures Hackathon for Water Security 2021 hosted by I2N Integrated Innovation Network and the University of Newcastle, AU.